Buckinghamshire Record Society

Publishing historical texts, calendars, and indexes

About the Society

Registered Charity No.: 262004

President: The Countess Howe, Lord Lieutenant for Buckinghamshire

Hon. Secretary: Sally Mason

Editor: Dr David Noy

The Society, originally formed as the Records Branch of the Buckinghamshire Archaeological Society, was established as a separate institution in 1947.

The principal objects of the Society are:

  1. to publish volumes based on original records illustrative of the history of Buckinghamshire.
  2. to concern itself with the collection, preservation and listing of public and private records relating to the county, including, if necessary, the raising of separate funds for this purpose.
  3. to issue from time to time for the benefit of local historians and others, lists and indexes of records relating to the county both in local and central repositories.

Membership subscription: £15 per calendar year.

Members are entitled to 1 free copy of any volume published during the period of their membership and may also purchase copies of previous publications still in print at reduced rates.

Applications for membership and orders for publications should be sent to:

The Honorary Secretary
Buckinghamshire Record Society
Buckinghamshire Archives
County Hall
Bucks HP20 1UU
(01296 382587)
E-mail: BucksRecSoc@gmail.com

Rules of the Society

  1. The name of the Society shall be “The Buckinghamshire Record Society”.
  2. The objects of the Society shall be:
    1. To publish volumes based on original records illustrative of the history of the County of Buckingham.
    2. To concern itself with the collection, preservation and listing of public and private records relating to the County, including, if necessary, the raising of separate funds for this purpose.
    3. To issue from time to time, for the benefit of local historians and others, lists and indexes of records relating to the County both in local and in central repositories.
  3. Membership shall be open to individuals and to institutions on payment of an annual subscription.
  4. The minimum subscription shall be such annual sum as the Society, in General Meeting, may from time to time determine, payable on 1 January in each year. Payment of the subscription shall entitle a member to all publications of the Society issued during the year in respect of which the subscription is paid.
  5. There shall be a President and six Vice-Presidents, who shall pay the ordinary member’s subscription, an Honorary Secretary, an Honorary Treasurer and an Honorary Editor (or Editors), all of whom shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting and shall be ex officio members of the Executive Committee.
  6. The affairs of the Society shall be managed by an Executive Committee consisting of ten members (together with the ex officio members under rule 5) to be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting. Any vacancy among officers or other members of the Committee may be filled by the Committee until the next Annual General Meeting. The Executive Committee may delegate any of its functions to a sub-committee or sub-committees.
  7. Four members of the Executive Committee shall form a quorum.
  8. The Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held within six months of 31 December, on which date the financial year shall end, to receive a report of the affairs of the Society and the Examined statement of accounts, to elect the Officers and Executive Committee and an Honorary Independent Examiner, and to consider amendments to the Rules. Any amendment to the Rules shall require the approval of at least two thirds of the members present and voting at the meeting at which such amendment is proposed. A Special General Meeting of the Society may be called at any time by the Executive Committee, and shall be called at any time on a request being made in writing to the President by at least ten members, specifying the reasons and business. Ten members shall form a quorum at any General Meeting. At least twenty-one days notice of any General Meeting and of the business to be transacted thereat shall be given to each member, but the meeting shall not be invalidated by accidental failure to give such notice to any particular member.
  9. The Executive Committee shall meet at least once in each year, and at its first meeting following the Annual General Meeting its first business shall be the election of a Chairman from among its members. The Chairman shall (unless he resigns or ceases to be a member of the Society) continue in office until his successor is elected and accepts office. In the absence of the Chairman the Chair shall be taken by a member of the Committee voted to the Chair for that occasion.
  10. The Society in General Meeting may on the recommendation of the Executive Committee elect as Honorary Members of the Society any persons who have made significant contributions to the history of the County.
  11. Contributors to the volumes issued by the Society shall be entitled to six copies or off-prints of their published work, free of charge.

These Rules were Approved at the Annual General Meeting in 1978, and Amended at the Annual General Meetings in 1985, 2001 and 2016.